
How You’ll Know It’s Time to Secure Your Construction Site With a Remote Guard

November 11, 2016

Sometimes you just know. Whether it’s a gut feeling, or whether there are blatant red flags (something did lead you to click on this page after all…) you’ll know when it’s time to consider a more dependable option for your construction site. Maybe it’s one too many late night/early morning phone calls alerting you of a break-in that happened on a guard’s watch. Maybe you’re just uncomfortable with your current method.

Whatever the reason, we’re betting one or more of the following points will resonate with you. Here are the top 3 reasons why customers have turned to Remote Guarding.

If you do identify with even one of these three, we'd love to chat.

Read on... 

Below are the top three reasons why you should consider remote guarding for your construction site.

1. Your on-site security is too expensive.

Construction projects can be lengthy in duration. With project management, as much as you want your timelines to be met, there are often external factors that come into play. With extended deadlines come added costs, and on-site security is one cost that just seems to add up.

Especially if you're using human security guards, the costs can go far beyond your budget if your project isn't meeting its deadline. Regardless of deadlines, on-site security is simply more expensive than automated options. However, many people prefer having a human touch in their security system.

To get the best of both worlds, choose a provider that uses both camera analytics and trained monitoring station operators to verify alerts. You can save more than 40% on your security costs over on-site patrols.

2. Intruders have breached your site, even with your security guard monitoring your project. 

Remote guards are not only more cost-effective than on-site security, they're also more effective in outdoor environments. 

With continuous video monitoring, intelligent analytics software and immediate live monitoring by command center staff, you’ll never have to worry about intruders breaching your construction site while your security guard is monitoring your project again. 

The best part? With around-the-clock video monitoring, you can prevent future crimes and apprehend criminals, preparing your construction site for today and in the future.

3. You don't feel confident 24/7, 365. 

If your instincts are telling you that your construction site isn't protected 24/7, 365, you're probably right.

You must feel confident in the security methods protecting your project and it should provide the highest level of protection at all hours of the day. With remote guarding, you can view your premises 24/7 on your smartphone (amazing, right?) This means that you can check-in on your project, even if you haven't been alerted of suspicious activity.

On the other hand, you can start to rest at ease knowing that no news is good news, and any intruders will have been apprehended by the time you hear about it.

As you're evaluating the level of security on your construction site, consider an option that is dependable, cost-effective and reliable for any and all of your upcoming construction projects. 

Note: This blog discusses general safety and security topics. It is not intended to provide comprehensive advice or guidance. In all matters of personal safety and security, We encourage readers to research topics in depth and consult a security professional about specific concerns.

Updated March 8, 2019 - SC

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