Crane Climbers Disrupt Job Sites

Crane climbers are a serious problem for construction companies. Encouraged by the exploits of thrill seekers on social media, trespassers are eager to climb cranes on job sites. Some construction sites report dozens of attempts a year.

Crane Climbers Disrupt Job Sites
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Property Crime in Austin Texas

While Austin Texas has recently faced extreme weather and power challenges, property crime never stops. Crime incidents sourced from more than 18,000 local law enforcement agencies show that Austin Texas is safer than only 7% of other US cities. Currently, there have been almost 37,500 reports of property crime in the city of Austin. 

Multiple Chainsaws Stolen from Ontario Business

Ontario provincial police are investigating a commercial break and enter after several chainsaws were stolen from a business. The initial investigation leads to indicating the theft was sometime between 6 p.m. on Feb. 14, 2021 and 10 a.m. on Feb. 15, 2021, unknown person(s) entered the property, damaged a parked vehicle and entered several storage units.

Catalytic Converter Theft on the Rise in Alberta

Leduc Alberta has seen an uptick in catalytic converter thefts in recent months. This rising crime trend comes as RCMP have responded to several thefts of catalytic converters, which they say is a crime of opportunity.

Apprehensions Work: Why stopping crimes in progress matters

Celebrating record apprehension numbers, our Radius team knows remote video monitoring helps police do their job. Each arrest also helps prevent many future crimes.